Energy Efficiency in the Workplace

Energy Efficiency in the Workplace

Energy consumption in the workplace is a top concern for many employers. Energy is used to power computers, machinery and other devices that are part of the workplace. When left unchecked, energy usage can get out of hand.

When businesses reduce energy consumption, they save money, help the environment and avoid trouble with government programs such as AB 802 benchmarking Los Angeles CA. This article will offer some tips on how a business can save on energy.


The energy consumption in the workplace is largely attributed to computers. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of how much energy a computer is using. Some easy ways to reduce energy consumption in a computer include:

  • Shutting down the computer when not in use
  • Using power supplies that are more efficient
  • Using a power strip with energy-saving features


The first step to reducing energy consumption in the workplace is to replace old and inefficient machinery. A person can also turn off unused machinery such as printers, copiers or fax machines that are not in use. Any unnecessary peripherals like scanners, keyboards and mice should be disposed of. Lastly, a person should change lighting patterns so they only come on when they’re needed.

Other Devices

A business can reduce energy consumption in the workplace by turning off equipment that isn’t needed. Another way to save on energy is using other devices in the workplace. Also, a business can reduce electricity costs by turning off unused lights and equipment near or outside of the workspace. This could mean turning off light bulbs in hallways or outside of conference rooms when closing.

With the right technologies and practices, a workforce can greatly reduce their energy consumption on many levels. In turn, a business can handle its finances better while knowing that the planet is being helped.

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